Create DHL Shipment (GKV) account

The connection to DHL (GKV) takes place exclusively via the API of DHL.


  • DHL business customer contract
  • Access data for the business customer portal

What access data is required?

From the Shopware Shop the following access data are needed:

  • EKP number (DHL customer number)
  • User name (system user in DHL business customer portal)
  • Password (signature) corresponding to the password of the system user
  • Optional: EKP number for returns

DHL Zugangsdaten

Where do I get the access data?

the access data must be read or created from the DHL business customer portal.

  1. Log in to the DHL Business Customer Portal(

    DHL öffnen

  2. Open the"Manage users" area (1).

    Benutzer anlegen

  3. Create a new user"Create new user" (1).

    Benutzer Rechte
    Select"System user" for user type (1) and give the user all rights (2) + (3).

  4. Continue creating the user by clicking on the"Next" button (1).

    Benutzer anlegen

  5. Specify which accounting numbers should be used for this user. In case of doubt, assign all contracts to the system user.

    Benutzer Abrechnungen

  6. Determine and copy EKP number.

    EKP ermitteln
    In the column "Billing number" you will find the EKP number (1). Copy the first 10 digits of this number.

  7. Click on"Next" to continue creating the system user. Follow the wizard and confirm all entries.

  8. As soon as the user has been set up and activated, you can enter and test the access data in the OscWare configuration under step 1.

Create access in OscWare

  1. In the OscWare configuration, an access must be added in the "Logistics" area.

    DHL Zugang erstellen
    The access name (3) can be freely assigned.

  2. As soon as the access has been created, the access data can be stored.

Store access data in OscWare

  1. Store the access data in the OscWare configuration under step 1.

    DHL Zugangsdaten eintragen

    User name = User name of the created system user (instructions for creating
  2. a system user
  3. Password = Password of the system user
  4. DHL EKP number = EKP number from the DHL business customer portal(instructions for reading out the EKP)
  5. Optional: If you also want to create a returns label with the parcel label, then activate the option "Create returns labels for enclosure" and store the corresponding EKP number
  6. As soon as all access data are correctly stored, complete the configuration by clicking on the "Finish" button (8).

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