Create access to Otto-Marketplace API

The connection to the Otto marketplace takes place exclusively via the Otto API.


  • Registration as a seller on the Otto Marketplace
  • Activated Otto API interface(see below)

What access data is required?

The following access data is required from the Otto Marketplace:

  • API username (API key)
  • API password

Where do I get the access data?

The API access data must be requested from Otto.

  1. Register at Otto Marketplace as a seller(
  2. After the successful registration you will receive 2 emails from Otto. One email with the API username (api_XXXXXXX) and one email asking you to assign a password for the API access. Make a note of both - API username and API password - as you have no possibility to view them anymore. The password assignment email is valid for 14 days. If you have not assigned yourself a password within this period, you must contact Otto support directly.

Create access in OscWare

  1. In the OscWare configuration, the access data must be entered under "OttoKonfiguration Otto Marketplace
  2. The username is also the API key
  3. The password is the password you generated from the email confirmation.

Once you have entered both, you can use the "Connection test" button to check whether the setup was correct.


If you have your own brand, the first thing you need to do is create it in the seller portal.

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