Create Shopify access

The connection of a Shopify store is done exclusively via the Shopify API.


  • Installed Shopify store
  • Access data Shopify backend with admin rights
  • The Shopify domain (e.g.

What access data is required?

The following credentials are required from the Shopify store:

  • Admin API access token

Where do I get the access data?

The API credentials must be created in the backend of the store.

  1. To do this, log in to Shopify( and click on the desired store (1) or create a new store (2).

    Im Shop einloggen

  2. Then click on"Apps" (1) in the navigation on the right side.

    Apps Einstellungen öffnen
  3. In the new window, now open the app creation via the"Create Apps" button(1).

    App-Erstellung starten
  4. And create a new app via"Create an app" (1).

    Neue App erstellen
  5. Now assign a name for the app (1). Under App developer you can see for which store and by whom the app is created.

    App benennen
  6. Afterwards you have to assign the rights, what should be done with the app. To do this, click on"Configure Admin API areas" (1).

    Bereiche konfigurieren
  7. For the assignment of rights under"Configuration" (1), select the desired rights under (2) and click on them. Finally, click on"API credentials" (3).

    Rechte vergeben
  8. Under"API credentials" (1), the access token must now be created. To do this, click on"Install App" (2).

    Zugriffstoken erzeugen
  9. A window opens in which the installation must be confirmed again. If you want to install the app in the store, simply click on"Install" (1).

    Installation bestätigen
  10. Now you can display the Admin-API access token once(!) (1).

    API-Token anzeigen lassen

Copy the"Admin API access token" (1). If you close the window or open another tab in the navigation of the store, you can no longer access this data.

Store access data in OscWare

  1. In Oscware, select your Shopify store (1) and then clickConfigure (2).

    Shopify in Oscware konfigurieren
  2. Copy the Admin API token into the Access Tok en field (1). After you have stored the access data, please perform a connection test via the"Connection test" button(2). Then confirm all entries with "Finish" (3).Admin-API-Token hinterlegen


On the subject of webshop connection to OscWare there are some more important hints in our FAQ.

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