Create access Afterbuy

In the OscWare configuration under step 1 "Configure connections" the connection to Afterbuy is established. Without a successful connection to Afterbuy, further configuration in OscWare is not possible.

Where is access to Afterbuy configured?

Open the OscWare configuration and create an Afterbuy profile under step 1.

Afterbuy Profil anlegen

Assign a unique and meaningful name.

What access data is required?

The following data is required to connect to Afterbuy:

  • Account Token
  • Partner ID (from the Afterbuy XML interface)
  • Partner Token (from the Afterbuy XML interface)

These access data must be stored in the newly created Afterbuy profile in the OscWare configuration.

Afterbuy Zugangsdaten

Click on the created Afterbuy profile (1) and then on the button "Configure" (2).

Eintragen Afterbuy Zugangsdaten in OscWare

Now enter the access data in the following window. Then perform a connection test by clicking on the "Test connection" button.

Where do I get the access data?

You can get the access data in your Afterbuy backend. For this you have to log in with your Afterbuy access data under Afterbuy Login. For the use of OscWare the XML and store interface is necessary in Afterbuy. Either you use an already existing XML / store interface from Afterbuy or you create a new interface.

Use existing XML / store interface

  1. Call the existing XML interfaceAfterbuy XML Schnittstelle auslesen

  2. Displaying the access data
    Anzeige XML Zugangsdaten
    Scroll all the way down and take out the access data to transfer it to the OscWare configuration under step 1.

Create new XML / store interface

  1. Call interface to Afterbuy
    XMl Schnittstelle anlegen

  2. Create a new XML interface according to the example.
    Please note that the XML and the SHOP interface are required and therefore both have to be activated.

  3. Take over the newly generated access data into the OscWare configuration under step 1.
    Zugangsdaten auslesen

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