Create access GLS (ShipIT)

The connection to GLS ShipIT takes place exclusively via the API interface of GLS.


  • Customer account with GLS
  • Activated GLS ShipIT interface(see below)

What access data is required?

The following access data is required by GLS:

  • Contact ID (4)
  • Login/User (4)
  • Password (4)

GLS Zugangsdaten Schritt 1


The required data"Contact ID","Login/User" and"Password" do not correspond to your login data in the GLS Portal.

Where do I get the access data?

The API access data " Contact ID ", " Login/User " and " Password " can only be obtained from your GLS customer support. You cannot create or view this data in the GLS Customer Portal.

  1. Request your API access data from by mail from your GLS customer support. Send an email with the following data:

    Recipient: "Your personal GLS customer support representative"

    Subject: Activation API for GLS ShipIT

    Mailtext: Dear Sir or Madam,

    please activate our customer number: XXXXXXX for the GLS ShipIT web service.
    Used interface: "OscWare"
    Additional info: The interface uses the API endpoint

  2. As soon as you have received the access data by mail, please enter them into the OscWare configuration under step 1(see above).

  3. Afterwards restart OscWare once.


It is very important that you mention in the email that the interface is called "OscWare", otherwise the wrong interface with wrong permissions will be unlocked at GLS.

Create access in OscWare

  1. In the OscWare configuration, an access must be added in the "Logistics" area.

    GLS Zugang anlegen
    The access name (3) can be freely assigned.

  2. As soon as the access has been created, the API access data can be stored.

    GLS Zugangsdaten eintragen
    After entering all data, test the connection to GLS via the"Test connection" button (5).

  3. Finish the configuration with "Finish" (6).

  4. Afterwards restart OscWare once.

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