Create access Shopware 6

The connection of a Shopware 6 store is done exclusively via the Shopware 6 API.


  • Installed Shopware 6 Shop
  • Access data Shopware backend with admin rights

Supported versions

Shopware version 6.x

What access data is required?

From the Shopware Shop the following access data are needed:

  • Access ID
  • Security key

Where do I get the access data?

The API credentials must be created in the backend of the store.

  1. Open the Integration section in the Shopware backend(

    API Integartion öffnen

  2. create a new integration (1).

    Integration starten

  3. Create API access.

    Integration konfigurieren
    Copy the "Access ID" (3) and the "Security Key" (4). After you click on "Save Integration", you will not be able to access this data.

Store access data in OscWare

  1. Store the "Access ID" (4) and the "Security key" (5) in the OscWare configuration under step 1.

    Shopware 6 Schritt 1

  2. After you have stored the access data, please perform a connection test via the"Test connection" button (6). Then confirm all entries with"Finish" (7).


On the subject of webshop connection to OscWare there are some more important hints in our FAQ.

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