Create access Conrad

The Conrad connection is done exclusively via the Conrad API. The Conrad marketplace is based on a "Mirakl" system. This "Mirakl" system is used by other marketplaces.


  • Seller account with Conrad
  • Access data Conrad backend with admin rights

What access data is required?

The following access data is required from the Conrad backend:

  • API key

Where do I get the access data?

You have to create or read the API key in the Conrad backend.

  1. Log in to the Conrad backend and open your merchant profile in the upper right corner.

    Login Backend

  2. Open the menu item"API key".

    API Zugangsdaten

  3. Now create a new API key or copy the already existing API key.


If an API key already exists and is used by another application, do not change the API key. By changing the API key, these applications can no longer exchange data with Conrad.

Create access in OscWare

  1. In the OscWare configuration, an access must be added in the "Mirakl" area.

    Conrad Zugang anlegen
    The access name (3) can be freely assigned.

  2. As soon as the access has been created, the access data can be stored.

    Conrad Zugang konfigurieren
    Select the entry "Conrad" under "Platform" (3).
    Enter the API key from the portal under "API key".(API key instructions)
    Perform a connection test (5).

  3. As soon as all access data are correct, finish the configuration by clicking on the configuration by clicking on the "Finish" button (6).

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