Questions & problems in connection with Lexware

Removing the auction number from the Lexware print form

Instructions for changing a Lexware print form

(Removing the auction number)

When importing orders from eBay, the auction numbers are also imported to Lexware. If these auction numbers should not be printed on the invoice printed on the invoice, then this can be deactivated with the following deactivated with the following instructions.

  1. Select an invoice in the order management and print it.
  2. In the print window, click on the "Form Management" button.
  3. Then click on the button "Edit".
  4. There click on the button "Edit in editor".
  5. Now the editor for editing the form file will open.
  6. Click, BEFORE you change something, on File => Save as and assign a new file name, e.g. oscware_test.usf
  7. Now click on File => Close to close the file.
  8. Now reload the just created file oscware_text.usf via Project => Form. Please do NOT open the file via "File => Open".
  9. Now search (approx. line 21) for the following expression:
    Description form_description as "Copy standard order".
    And change the form name e.g. to:
    Description form_description as "My standard order".
  10. Now make your changes in the source code. In this example, we remove the eBay auction number from the invoice printout.
  11. Find the lines with the following code:
    TL(Tab + "Auction No.:" + Tab + Get("R", 351))
    Modify the line as follows:
    'TL(Tab + "Auction no.:" + Tab + Get("R", 351))
  12. Now find the lines with the following code:
    ItemText = ItemText + szNewLine + "Auction no.: " + Get("P", 146)
    Modify the line as follows:
    'ItemText = ItemText + szNewLine + "Auction no.: " + Get("P", 146).
  13. After you have made all the code changes, the file still needs to be compiled. To do this, click on Project => Compile
  14. If the source code does not contain any errors, the following will appear in the output window (at the very bottom) as last line: Printer description: Default printer
  15. Now in the form directory under C:\ProgramData\Lexware\premium\Formulare\faktura pro two new files. oscware_test.usf and oscware_test.umb
  16. Now close the form editor where you made the source code changes.
  17. Now change the form file in the form administration to oscware_test.umb

Orders are only imported to Lexware as "Internet order" and as "Order confirmation" and not as "Invoice".

Unfortunately, we cannot offer you the import of invoices. Reason for this is the document type "invoices" in Lexware affects the accounting and tax returns. The creation of the document type "Invoices" brings here the danger of errors and consequential errors with errors. Unfortunately, we are not able to estimate these dangers and therefore we will not will not implement the import of invoices.

Error importing the order with the Order no. XXX: ERROR [42S22] [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Column 'szUserdefined4' not found

You have installed a Lexware version with only 3 free fields. Please select in the OscWare configuration in step 3 a existing free field instead of the free field 4.

Konfiguration Freifelder

Error importing the order with the Order no. XXX: ERROR [23000] [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Primary key for table 'FK_Kunde' is not unique: Primary key value ("XXX")

Solution: Please create a new customer manually in Lexware.

Error importing the order with the Order no. XXX: ERROR [23000] [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Primary key for table 'FK_Vorgang' is not unique: Primary key value ('XXX')

To fix the primary key problem, manually create an order in Lexware.

Once the primary key problem is fixed, OscWare can transfer the orders again.

Possible Cause:
The cause is probably due to the fact that orders are being imported with OscWare and orders are processed directly in Lexware at the same time.

A remedy can be created by heart reduction of the transmission interval.
In this case, it must be ensured that the number of orders to be imported is kept as low as possible.

In OscWare under the point "Automation" can be determined to the associated the corresponding process, in which intervals the orders are to be are transferred, the more often it checks and transfers, the less will be the number of orders per interval.

Error importing the order with the Order no. XXX: ERROR [23000] [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Primary key for table 'BH_KONTENPLAN' is not unique

Please restart your Lexware Server service (database). This service can be found under Windows under "Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services" or by typing "services.msc" in the command prompt.

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